
Word of the Day: Conniption

Conniption: fit of hysterical excitement or anger

I'm a bit annoyed with my blogger app because I wrote this post days ago but the app did not save it.

When I was a kid at home with my parents I remember them using some words that I swore were wrong. Grant it, I've always been a bookworm and the dictionary was my best friend but since I thought they were nuts I never bothered to look up those words. Seriously when a seven year old hears "don't have a conniption fit because you can't have candy for dinner' what else would they think. Go figures though, the 'rents were not completely off their rockers after all.

1 comment:

  1. I am also annoyed with your blogger app because it erased my comment on another one of your posts... having a conniption! (Do I need to say fit after conniption?)
