
Carpe Diem ©

Poem by Cici

There once was a time,
when the color of one’s skin
dictated his station
And the street you’d live on was a
foregone decision

There once was a time,
when taking a drink
was a punishable crime
And Flappers were hip,
jazzing it up
in speakeasy lounges.

To think,
you might have been born
a product of then.

There once was a time,
when alabaster
was the pallor to envy
and a mere glimpse of
the wrist of a lady
put men in a frenzy.

To think,
you might have been born
a product of then.

What an anachronism
would my very being be?
Perhaps embraced, but sooner
sent to the gallows –
for speaking my mind,
out of turn and oft-times,
for simply being the fairer sex
or different hued.

There once was a time,
a book for a lady
would a sin be viewed.

Think of this day,
of this our time,
when a voice you can have
if you so choose.

So open your mouth
and let the words pour out.
For a cause, take your stand
and make your voice heard.

This is your day,
live in your time.

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