
Old Man ©

Poem by CiCi
Old man I smell your fear
It weighs upon your jowls
And shackles your feet with apprehension
You falter, hesitant as though the gray clouds encloaked you
Old man, a tremor ripples through your
Frame as the prickly air nips your nape
I have seen your kind before

I have seen your kind before
Crouched beneath your tattered eaves
Anger, pride… only a veil of fear
Veiling your eyes as your gaze
Reach beyond your stoop
The first flake of snow gently glides
To rest on your brow

Is this what you fear old man
Did the coming chill begin in your bones?
As the gray day blankly reflects from your eyes
Weary, broken and exposed
Are you hating me?
Hating my youth old man –
Is there even room for hate
Room, among your fears?

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